Mental Fitness Training Program


Ā If you could change your life with just 3-minutes of practice, 3 times a day, would you do it?

Up to 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their career.

It's not just a personal struggle, it's affecting productivity, job satisfaction and overall mental well-being. Add in the ever-present stress of leadership and you've got a recipe for burnout. Our program and coaching around mental fitness can help.

Do you find yourself.....

  • Feeling like an imposter?
  • Procrastinating?
  • Judging yourself or others?
  • Trying to control people or situations?
  • Avoiding conversations that need to happen?
  • Feeling paralyzed with anxiety?
  • Saying yes when you wanted to say no?

Why it matters now:

  • Your environment is shifting.
  • You are under increasing stress to perform.
  • You are undergoing some kind of transition.
  • You know enhancing your relationships - with your boss, your peers, your team - is vital.
  • Working remotely has added an additional level of strain.
  • You're ready to invest in YOU.

In Just 7 Weeks You Will Begin To Build Mental Fitness Core Muscles To Tackle Today's Complex Leadership Challenges.

Imagine yourself able to remain calm, clear headed, stress-free, and positive even in the midst of handling work and lifeā€™s greatest challenges. What becomes possible for you, in achievement, in peace of mind and wellness, and in your relationships? Make a commitment now to boost your mental fitness.

Mental Fitness focuses on 3 core muscles:

  1. 1. Saboteur Interceptor
  2. 2. Sage (Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, Activate)
  3. 3. Self-Command (through 10-second PQ reps)

This is the core Positive Intelligence (PQ) operating system. Whether learning to manage conflict, manage time, or perform better under pressure, you'd apply the same exact operating system.

Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don't build habits.

Take the Free Saboteur Assessment and Learn More

This revolutionary coaching program is designed to help you create custom stress-busting strategies that work for YOU.Ā 

With our Mental Fitness program, you'll be diving into your own understanding of Emotional Intelligence and receive personalized guidance, attention and support from a certified coach who will support you through the program.

If you're looking for a way to reduce stress, improve your well-being and achieve your goals, Mental Fitness coaching is the perfect solution for you.

Sustained change toward a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. And that's what our program design empowers you to do.

Your Mental Fitness is Powered By Positive Intelligence

Itā€™s an evidence-based model rooted in neuroscience and brain development.

Positive IntelligenceĀ is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science validated by over half a million participants in 50 countries by Shihrzad Chamine.

It is a measure of the strength of positive mental muscles (Sage) versus negative ones (Saboteurs).

TheĀ SageĀ handles challenges with ease and flow through positive emotions like empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence and calm, clear-headed, laser-focused action.

SaboteursĀ react to challenges in ways that generate negative emotions such as stress, disappointment, self-doubt, regret, anger, shame, guilt or worry.

As Wayne Dyer said, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Find out what saboteurs are getting in your way by taking the free saboteur assessment.

Take the FREE Saboteur Assessment

If you're looking for a way to reduce stress, improve your well-being, and achieve your goals, Positive IntelligenceĀ® Mental Fitness Coaching is the perfect solution for you. Get started today and see the results for yourself!Ā 


Take the Free Saboteur Assessment and Learn More

Here is what's included in this program:

Unlimited Access to the PQ App for 1 year

Dive into daily exercises and guided practices at your own pace, tracking your progress in building crucial mentalĀ fitness and positivity. Includes the audio book, Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine.

Weekly Live Q&A and Coaching

Get direct support, clarity on your journey, and personalized advice during our interactive sessions. It's your chance to connect deeply with your coach and peers.

A Supportive Community

Join a network of like-minded individuals committed to personal and professional growth. Share experiences, gain insights, and find encouragement in a community that understands your journey.

Weekly Schedule of the PQ Mental Fitness Proram

Take the Free Saboteur Assessment and Learn More

Your Mental Fitness Coach, Jill Windelspecht

I will be your guide on your Mental Fitness journey.Ā I help people bridge the gap between thinking and doing by focusing on your mindset FIRST, because what we THINK does matter, getting CLARITY on what you REALLY want (what does success mean to you) and putting plans in action to get you the RESULTS you Need! Bringing over 25 years of experience, I work with leaders across multiple industries. Leveraging the perspective of neuroscience, social science and learning from some of the best leaders across the globe!

Helping leaders like you apply science based strategies to the 'soft stuff' is my passion because it not only helps you grow in your leadership style - it makes everyone around you better! Building my own mental fitness has made me a stronger leader, leading with empathy, vision and confidence and I want that for you.

Most importantly, I am a wife & mother, love to garden & go ā€˜glampingā€™ during Clevelandā€™s short summer months! My favorite quote ā€œPeople donā€™t care how much you know until they know how much you careā€.


Gail Kerzner, The Savvy Red Pen Founder

The Positive IntelligenceĀ program has changed my life! Identifying and understanding the mental saboteurs that keep us from reaching our personal and professional goals was challenging and eye opening, but now I can recognize them and use my sage gifts to think and act more positively. Learning to be patient with myself and others and to grant myself grace in the midst of havoc and difficult times is a process, but Iā€™m getting there with daily PQ reps to build mental muscle, daily challenges, the journal, and our community pod.Ā  Jill is the perfect facilitator, providing guidance and creating an environment of trust.

Angela Zellner, HR Leader

The PQ Program has highlighted areas that I was aware of that needed work, I knewĀ about it...the over-achiever, stickler and controller. I didn't know these were as prevalentĀ in my everyday life... I actually considered all 3 of them as the Controller. I have been able to pair this with Faith-based actions I take with capturing my thoughtĀ patterns. I am more so aware of when I hear the judgmental voice over myself or others. Now I have another way to LABEL it and redirect by recognizing Sage (tap into Empathy, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, Activate). I am very much aware of where some of it links to the drive in my work, and personal life. I also see the positives, when it comes to discernment, time management and being intentional about exercises.

Lisa Foley, Business Consultant

In the past, I have struggled with bridging the knowledge that I wanted to change my behaviors and having a system that would finally make that happen. The Positive Intelligence program has enabled me to execute and sustain changes. Being part of the group program and coaching set me up for daily use of the app. It keeps me refreshed on the approach and has improved my confidence and focus. Throughout the day I am able to ground myself and keep my saboteurs from taking me off my path. Working with the idea of the "Sage" has facilitated large changes in my outlook and mindset. The combination of learning and practice has greatly improved my ability to execute. Working with Jill through this process was critical to executing these changes - thank you!

Key Benefits You Can Gain:

Elevated Mental Fitness

Strengthen your ability to manage stress and negative emotions, leading to a more balanced and resilient mindset.

Enhanced Personal Growth

Develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your patterns, fostering personal evolution.

Improved Relationships

Learn techniques for healthier communication and stronger connections with others.

Increased Productivity

Gain tools to overcome procrastination and enhance focus, boosting personal and professional productivity.

Take the Free Saboteur Assessment and Learn More