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How Successful People Use Focus to Achieve Their Goals

goals habits leadership productivity routine Feb 09, 2024

We often see famous or highly successful people as different from us. They are so successful that we view them as having special skills or abilities we will never have. That’s an incorrect assumption.

It isn't that they are different; they do things differently than we do. High achievers routinely earn their success with the following four methods of directing their intent.

They Aren't Afraid of Failure

A fear of failure has crushed many dreams. When you begin to play the "what if I fail" game in your mind, you entertain the possibility that you won't succeed. If this mindset persists, you can convince yourself there's no use in trying because you will fail. Successful people decide to focus on the best possible outcome. They don’t entertain “what if I fail” thoughts.

They See Success Before They Achieve It

Jim Carrey is a well-known actor and comedian. That wasn't the case in the early 1990s. He could barely pay his bills and struggled to get by. Yet he always visualized he would be a highly-paid and famous actor. So, he wrote himself a check for $10 million. On it, he wrote "for acting services rendered" and dated it for 1994. He carried this check in his wallet. In 1994, this visionary was offered exactly $10 million for his role in the movie "Dumb and Dumber."

Visualization is used by the most successful people in the world, regardless of their fields. They focus on a mental picture of them living as if their goal has been achieved. Visualize your success before seeing it; this constant mental focus can work wonders.

Their Goals Are Based on Their Values

Successful people find focus in their values. Their goals are aligned with strong personal beliefs. It makes sense when you think about it. Would you rather be working towards something that doesn't interest you or something you are passionate about?

Make sure your goals align with your belief systems, and you will be okay focusing on achieving them, even when things get difficult.

Their Focus Is Fueled by Persistence and Resilience

Successful people are not superhuman, though they may appear to be due to their relentless persistence and resilience. They fall and stumble and fail just like you do. When this happens, they get up and return to chasing their dreams. They are resilient. They keep going until they create the outcome they are looking for.

These four tips for moving from focus to success are transformative if you take action and put them into practice. They can be as powerful for you as the successful people who regularly use them. Get started today using these focus boosters to create the success you are looking for.

I have more amazing tips and strategies to help you build more focus in my E-book The Focused Mind. Grab your copy now and start improving your results by improving your focus.

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